6 Great Christmas Dinner hacks
- Nov 14, 2019
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Christmas is coming and so is the pre-Christmas stress! But there is no need to get hot and bothered about this year’s Christmas dinner. We’ve been busy researching and have come up with 6 great Christmas dinner hacks that will remove the fuss and put the fun back into your festive holiday time.
1. Make space for Christmas provisions – before you do your extra-big food shop, make room in the fridge, freezer and cupboards for the extra provisions. There is nothing more annoying than arriving home and struggling to pack everything away. Anything past its use-by-date can be binned and jams and chutneys that may be in the fridge can be relocated into the cupboards
2. Put everything into the oven – including your vegetables. Traditionally you may have been used to boiling the veg but this is not a must-do. An even better method is to put the turkey into the over and put all of the vegetables underneath and around it. Not only will you save time but the veg will taste so much better, having soaked up the turkey juices. Prepare your veg, place it into a large roasting tin and sprinkle with a little salt, adding garlic and rosemary and any other of your favourite herbs. Add the turkey, pop into the oven and put your feet up whilst it all roasts together
3. Prepare well ahead – by preparing well in advance the day before you can relax a little on the big day. Pre-prepare and cook your stuffing, gravy, bread sauce and even ‘pigs in blankets’. These can be heated up on the day so that all you are left with is roasting everything else in the oven.
4. Prepare the desserts the day before – don’t make the mistake of focusing only on the turkey and side-trimmings. Whatever puddings you fancy can be made the day before and kept in the fridge. Traditional Christmas puddings will have been made months ago and stored or picked up from your favourite grocery store! Trifles are great for making an impression, dressed with fresh fruit and ‘hundreds and thousands’.
5. Opt for a turkey crown – unless your guests really want the legs and wings, a crown is much easier to cook and a delight to carve. Don’t leave in the oven too long or it will dry out. Frequently basting during cooking will ensure that your turkey is moist and tasty
6. Add candles to the table – carefully chosen scented candles not only make the table look wonderful but are a simple way of adding to the atmosphere. Choose from aromas such as Mince Pies and Christmas Candles. You can find these and many delectable scents here. When your guests enter the room, they will immediately be swept away by the deliciously festive fragrances
As the cook in the family, you should be having just as much fun as everyone else, so making use of these clever Christmas dinner hacks is a must. Get well-prepared, plan ahead and cooking Christmas dinner will become an activity of love rather than a chore that you dread. Whilst these hacks may sound incredibly simple, you will be surprised at just how much time they save. By feeling in control and well ahead of yourself, you will know that there is room for relaxation, chilling out and enjoying. And all of that makes for a very merry Christmas!