- Mar 01, 2021
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As you grow up and have your own children, you may begin thinking back to the golden rules your mum taught you. At that time, you may not have taken much notice but now you find yourself repeating those very special words to your own sons and daughters.
Let’s take a look...
- Jan 01, 2021
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Upcycling needn’t be difficult. By breathing new life into items you may find lying around at home or at the local flea market you can end up with...
- Feb 01, 2020
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Remember the days when everyone had a bar of soap by the bathroom sink? Popular brands were Imperial Leather and Pears. Even carbolic soap was loved by many.
- Jul 01, 2019
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When the sun shines and the fruit on the bushes and trees starts to ripen, we may turn our thoughts to the idea of making jam. But why make jam...
Is your kitchen looking less ‘Nigella Lawson’ and more like a clutter magnet?
Are your worktops littered with assorted foodstuffs, utensils, dying potted plants and equipment you never use?