Whilst consumerism is still rife, there is a trend now to make things last in the home. There is something wonderful about having an item around that has been there for years, even passed down from members of the family. Not only do ‘buy once’ items save you money but think about what you are...
- Dec 01, 2019
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It’s the middle of the day but it’s dark outside. Rain is beating against the window and the wind is blowing gale force. With days like this, it...
- Jul 01, 2019
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When the sun shines and the fruit on the bushes and trees starts to ripen, we may turn our thoughts to the idea of making jam. But why make jam...
- Nov 01, 2018
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Whatever the weather is doing outside, we always want our homes to be cosy, warm and inviting. If your interior could do with a bit of a boost in terms...
- Aug 01, 2018
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With so many fruits available during the summer months, it is wise to turn your thoughts towards the winter season. It won’t be long before the sunny days disappear and...