Imagine yourself as a homemaker during the Second World War. Food rationing was in full force and you had to make-do not only with limited quantities but reduced availability of goods termed ‘luxury’ items.
It was all about making things from scratch, using substitutes and making food last longer and go further. Nothing was wasted;...
- May 01, 2020
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We all know that it is important to protect bees, but do we understand why? All plants need bees to pollinate them, which is why bees are essential to the...
- Jun 01, 2019
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Think back to your childhood and there is bound to be a memory of a favourite family picnic. Combining all of the things that we love: being outdoors, sun, lovely...
- Apr 01, 2019
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Wedding coming up? Thinking of buying loads of expensive flowers? Well maybe think again! Whilst it has been traditional for many brides to work with their favourite florist, creating a...
- Feb 01, 2019
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Do you yearn for a traditional English garden, full of beautiful flowers that both look and smell divine? Then read on as we have the some great ideas on ways...