- Feb 01, 2021
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Trying to get into the mood for cooking but feeling uninspired? Then we have a magical method to get you back on track. Simply take some time out, get comfy on the sofa and watch one of our great films involving food and baking.
Eat, Pray, Love
Not every recipe that you cook in the kitchen requires a cookbook. Some may be so well ingrained in your head that you can make them from scratch.
However, when...
- Jul 01, 2019
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When the sun shines and the fruit on the bushes and trees starts to ripen, we may turn our thoughts to the idea of making jam. But why make jam...
- Mar 01, 2019
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And it doesn’t have to stop there! Not only are candles created from natural products a wonderful way of making your home smell great, they can also get rid of...
Fed up of your sponges falling flat? When you try to cut them in half, are they miniscule in depth?
When size matters, many of us may end up reaching for...